Peeps, Peep This!

A Lap-Band to Duodenal Switch, Weight Loss Surgery, Chronicle

Sugar + Flour = Tummy Ache March 19, 2010

You know lately I’ve been on a road of discovery with my diet. Many DS’ers have problems tolerating sugar and others white flour and and so on. I try to avoid both since, as a DS’er, I absorb 100% of these. I’ve been experimenting a little bit lately here and there though with certain things such as pizza crust to see how my tummy would react. I haven’t had any problems with it though I never eat the end crust; never have so just the underneath part. As long as it’s thin crust I seem to do okay.

I’ve recently started to add some sugar items in. I have had some 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisps which were good and small and didn’t upset the digestive tract. I seem to do okay with small amounts of sugar (if you can call 20-30 g of sugar small) but it’s the combo of them both that seems to do me in!

I had some Girl Scout Cookies a bit back and you can read my past post on this; it didn’t go well…..well at all! So I peddled them off on the hubby. Those were some Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Sandwich cookies. This time, I received my last order ( I feel so bad not ordering…why?) yesterday, and tried to eat some Tagalongs (my absolute favorite) and 5 cookies later I was beginning to bloat. By 5-6 hours later it was terrible. Painful gas rumblings; the kind that make you instantly break out in sweats. Plus, well, you get how this progresses I’m sure. Needless to say ….. no fun.

So this has me wondering why I can eat a candy bar or a slice of pizza and be fine; perhaps a little bloat but not enough to notice but when I eat sugary and floury together like in those cookies I’m destroyed!? Ugg…guess that’s good though because these cookies are a major vice for me so not having them is probably better in the long run anyway. I’ve read how some folks can do 1 or the other but not both so I know I’m not alone. Guess it’s just too much for the shortened intestines to handle, ey?

Peace & Blessings.



Oh How I Love Thee Thin Mints February 18, 2010

WHY O WHY do I order these? Every single time I’ve ever ordered Girl Scout cookies in the past I’ve over dosed on them. I love them! They are a vice for me. I used to order a few boxes of the Tagalongs and eat them in a single sitting; at least 1 box anyway. I’d give the Thin Mints to my hubby.

This time, after surgery, I thought I’d be smart. I’d order something I liked but didn’t love and therefore I’d be less likely to over indulge. Right….right? Not.

I got these today and have eaten 1/2 a sleeve already. Yes, this is not as bad as pre-surgery but it is still bad enough. I feel cruddy that I’ve lost control, physically drained from the sugar up and downs and my tummy is gurgling and churning. I plan to take them home and feed the other 1/2 of the sleeve to hubby and freeze the last sleeve (I only bought 1 box thank heavens!). Then there’s a box of Peanut Butter sandwich cookies to pawn off.

I always feel like I have to order from these folks so I did good by ordering just 2 boxes and not buying things I absolutely love but for some reason the Thin Mints seem to be hitting the spot. This is the first time I’ve eaten any amount of sugar since surgery. I had a candy bar the other day; 1/2 one day and the other 1/2 a day later but nothing like this Thin Mint extravaganza. Anyway, I just wondered why I can’t just get over the guilt and not buy these things since I know I love their cookies so much. Then again, I should just forgive myself and move on since I am only human and not every indulgence has to turn into a binge….reminder to self……not every indulgence has to turn into a binge. Back in the day, it’d be ON right about now! Cold Stone and all! Ha!

Hope you are all having a fantastic day and looking forward to your weekend. I’m going to take in a movie at a small, old time theatre and watch “A Single Man” (love Colin Firth) and then head to this small cafe that I adore. They make the best 3 cheese grilled cheese with basil and marinated tomatoes and also this PB & J with Mascarpone cheese….mmmmmmm… good! I’m traveling 2 hours to do this so I must love it, ey? 😉

P.S. The worse thing about this slip up is I feel the carb cravings bubbling. That needs to be nipped in the butt for sure! That’s why I hate sugar! It’s so bad for me; I’m so sensitive to it.

Much love,
