Peeps, Peep This!

A Lap-Band to Duodenal Switch, Weight Loss Surgery, Chronicle

Oh How I Love Thee Thin Mints February 18, 2010

WHY O WHY do I order these? Every single time I’ve ever ordered Girl Scout cookies in the past I’ve over dosed on them. I love them! They are a vice for me. I used to order a few boxes of the Tagalongs and eat them in a single sitting; at least 1 box anyway. I’d give the Thin Mints to my hubby.

This time, after surgery, I thought I’d be smart. I’d order something I liked but didn’t love and therefore I’d be less likely to over indulge. Right….right? Not.

I got these today and have eaten 1/2 a sleeve already. Yes, this is not as bad as pre-surgery but it is still bad enough. I feel cruddy that I’ve lost control, physically drained from the sugar up and downs and my tummy is gurgling and churning. I plan to take them home and feed the other 1/2 of the sleeve to hubby and freeze the last sleeve (I only bought 1 box thank heavens!). Then there’s a box of Peanut Butter sandwich cookies to pawn off.

I always feel like I have to order from these folks so I did good by ordering just 2 boxes and not buying things I absolutely love but for some reason the Thin Mints seem to be hitting the spot. This is the first time I’ve eaten any amount of sugar since surgery. I had a candy bar the other day; 1/2 one day and the other 1/2 a day later but nothing like this Thin Mint extravaganza. Anyway, I just wondered why I can’t just get over the guilt and not buy these things since I know I love their cookies so much. Then again, I should just forgive myself and move on since I am only human and not every indulgence has to turn into a binge….reminder to self……not every indulgence has to turn into a binge. Back in the day, it’d be ON right about now! Cold Stone and all! Ha!

Hope you are all having a fantastic day and looking forward to your weekend. I’m going to take in a movie at a small, old time theatre and watch “A Single Man” (love Colin Firth) and then head to this small cafe that I adore. They make the best 3 cheese grilled cheese with basil and marinated tomatoes and also this PB & J with Mascarpone cheese….mmmmmmm… good! I’m traveling 2 hours to do this so I must love it, ey? 😉

P.S. The worse thing about this slip up is I feel the carb cravings bubbling. That needs to be nipped in the butt for sure! That’s why I hate sugar! It’s so bad for me; I’m so sensitive to it.

Much love,
