Peeps, Peep This!

A Lap-Band to Duodenal Switch, Weight Loss Surgery, Chronicle

Sugar + Flour = Tummy Ache March 19, 2010

You know lately I’ve been on a road of discovery with my diet. Many DS’ers have problems tolerating sugar and others white flour and and so on. I try to avoid both since, as a DS’er, I absorb 100% of these. I’ve been experimenting a little bit lately here and there though with certain things such as pizza crust to see how my tummy would react. I haven’t had any problems with it though I never eat the end crust; never have so just the underneath part. As long as it’s thin crust I seem to do okay.

I’ve recently started to add some sugar items in. I have had some 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisps which were good and small and didn’t upset the digestive tract. I seem to do okay with small amounts of sugar (if you can call 20-30 g of sugar small) but it’s the combo of them both that seems to do me in!

I had some Girl Scout Cookies a bit back and you can read my past post on this; it didn’t go well…..well at all! So I peddled them off on the hubby. Those were some Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Sandwich cookies. This time, I received my last order ( I feel so bad not ordering…why?) yesterday, and tried to eat some Tagalongs (my absolute favorite) and 5 cookies later I was beginning to bloat. By 5-6 hours later it was terrible. Painful gas rumblings; the kind that make you instantly break out in sweats. Plus, well, you get how this progresses I’m sure. Needless to say ….. no fun.

So this has me wondering why I can eat a candy bar or a slice of pizza and be fine; perhaps a little bloat but not enough to notice but when I eat sugary and floury together like in those cookies I’m destroyed!? Ugg…guess that’s good though because these cookies are a major vice for me so not having them is probably better in the long run anyway. I’ve read how some folks can do 1 or the other but not both so I know I’m not alone. Guess it’s just too much for the shortened intestines to handle, ey?

Peace & Blessings.



2 Responses to “Sugar + Flour = Tummy Ache”

  1. debra Says:

    I’m not sure whjy you are even trying to manage introducing sugars and carbs into your diet via candy bars, etc.? These are the things that trigger cravings and are probably the thing that led you to the weight where you had to have WLS in the first place. Why not focus on those things you should eat in the small portions you can and enjoy that feeling of fullness that satisfies in these early months following surgery. WLS is a tool to help you lose, not a fix for eating whatever you want and not gaining weight. in fact, those who don’t alter their diet for a lifestyle change, often gain it all back and more. Please don’t sabatoge all you have accomplished already. Eat protein and complex carbs (green and yellow vegetables) and stay away from white carbs (sugar, flour, potatoes, etc.) Period. it works. I know because I’m almost five years out from WLS and I have maintained my goal weight, while sadly many others who had surgery the same time as I did have not. And all of them started going back to those fattening foods they ate before the surgery.

  2. weestepn Says:

    Thanks for the advice, Debra. I do concentrate on protein and complex carbs most of the time but every now and then (every few weeks or so) I do have a treat, candy bar, etc. I am a realist and know that if I deny myself something then I simply make up for it elsewhere. Also, a great deal of research has proven those who allow themselves small treats keep the weight off longer because they don’t feel deprived. Deprived folks are the ones who break one day and go nuts. I’ve done a good deal of testing with myself and have had counseling for emotional eating as well so I am in tune with myself and know what works and doesn’t as far as controlling cravings. I’m glad to hear you have kept off your weight for 5 years. Kudos. Did you also have the DS? I’m nearly at goal just 4 months out and have made serious changes that I know will sustain me for the rest of my life. Best of luck to you and thanks for the advice.

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