Peeps, Peep This!

A Lap-Band to Duodenal Switch, Weight Loss Surgery, Chronicle

Hernia Surgery Coming Up September 14, 2010

Filed under: Hernia Surgery — weestepn @ 11:03 pm
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Hi folks,

My hernia surgery is this Thursday and although it feels funny to say considering how many surgeries I’ve undergone but I am nervous. I haven’t been told much about what to expect although my surgeon makes it seem like it’s nothing; a 45 minute procedure. My DS was supposed to be 3 hours and took 6 and my Lap Band was supposed to be 1 hour and took 3 so I’m a bit nervous. Also, someone told me they had drains when they woke up from theirs…..I don’t want to sound like a wimp but I really hated those last time around and am not pleased at the thought of them again. Not to mention, I just got back to feeling good again after my iron infusions and now I’ll probably get wiped out again. 😦 Wah, wah, wah! LOL. Sorry, I don’t mean to be a baby but I’m not looking forward to this at all. I had hoped I was done with surgeries. Anesthesia is always so hard on me and takes forever to get out of my system. All well…it’s neither here nor there and must be done; such is life.

As far as weight I’m doing really well and feeling super good about it. I eat pretty normally and have successfully gotten down to 126 lbs and a size 6 jeans and between a 2 and 4 for dress clothes with a small shirt. I hear it gets harder to lose so easily though the further you get out so as I’m nearing the 1 year mark in December I’m trying to tweak things I think might cause problems for me in the future. Little things each day since I don’t do well with complete overhauls. I hope you are all doing well my lovely readers and I’ll post again and let you know how the surgery went sometime next week probably as I do not do well when stoned on oxycodone. ;0) Peace.



Not Giving in to the Carb Monster So Why the Gas? January 15, 2010

Filed under: Duodenal Switch,WLS — weestepn @ 4:19 pm
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For the last week or so I’ve been feeling crappy. In the beginning of the week I actually felt a little more energetic and thought, “Finally, I’m getting back to normal!” But alas, that was not the case (at least I don’t think so). I felt good Sunday and Monday or so but then on Tuesday I had a massive migrane in the afternoon that lasted the whole rest of the night, woke up with it the next day, had it all that day and 1/2 the following day. Then I woke up 1 day with my ear plugged so it must be sinus junk moving around in my head. So that might be part of the reason I feel so icky. The other reason is gas!

I apologize if this is too much information (TMI) but in the beginning of my surgery, 6 weeks ago, I had issues with gas but mostly because I was trying to adjust and get my flora all balanced out and my touchy intestines were picky and healing. Then I got to a point at about 4 weeks out where I could experiment with some complex carbs to see what I could tolerate and what I couldn’t. As long as I stuck to meat, cheese, eggs and nuts I was fine; no gas. If I ate something like popcorn or mashed potatoes I’d have a little bit but nothing embarrassing or painful. Then for the last week or week  and a half I’ve been getting terrible, painful gas from these foods; foods that did not bother me before.

I tried to drink G2 a few times and each time it upset my tummy. Someone mentioned that it’s loaded with sugar so I checked the label and indeed it was so I scrapped my remaining supply. I thought this was intially the source of my gas troubles. However, after I stopped trying to drink them I still had the issue. Then I recently started a new, chewable calciumso I thought perhaps that might be the culprit. So I switched to my old pill version and the problem still remains.

So I’ve effectively reduced my diet down to whatever carbs are in meat, cheese and/or nuts so needless to say it’s not much. For example, yesterday I had:

Breakfast: 2 eggs with shredded mozz cheese, green salsa and sour cream
Snack: almonds
Lunch: tunafish w/mayo on a low carb wrap (5 net carbs)
Snack: cheese cubes
Dinner: pork medallions & 1/4 of a potatoe w/butter
Snack: warm choc protein shake w/scoop of peanut butter melted in it

So that’s not many carbs and yet I was bloated terribly and had very painful gas. I even thought at one time perhaps I was getting dehydrated and so I picked up my fluids and still felt yucky. I’m pretty sick of feeling this way and especially because I don’t know what’s causing it. I take a probiotic at night before bed even. I feel hungry but don’t want to eat because I feel like such shit afterwards. It’s very hard to be at work with a boss who runs 100 mph at all times and is a Yogi and chipper and you just want to punch her right in her mouth and set her back on her heels sometimes when you feel like doubling over because your gut hurts so bad! I’ve even had to walk out of the office and sit in my car with the seat reclined for a bit because it is just too painful to sit and pretend you feel fine.

So needless to say I’m irked (if you can’t tell by me wanting to punch out my boss) and at a loss for what to do next. I hear about all these DS ‘ers who eat carbs in moderation and live life fine and here I am sitting with my thumb up my butt for fear of what might come out! It’s a terrible feeling. I feel like it’s just never going to pass. Am I justified in thinking this or is it just because I’m so early out? I’m going on 7 weeks (Tuesday) and eating what I should….should I be having these gas issues? Golly, I hope not. Anyone have any advice.

Again, I apologize if it’s a bit harsh but I’m feeling cruddy (between the sinus issues, headaches, weakness from 3 major surgeries in 3 years; 2 of which happened in the last 8 months, and the gas issues) and so I’m being mean. :-p
