Peeps, Peep This!

A Lap-Band to Duodenal Switch, Weight Loss Surgery, Chronicle

Hernia Surgery Coming Up September 14, 2010

Filed under: Hernia Surgery — weestepn @ 11:03 pm
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Hi folks,

My hernia surgery is this Thursday and although it feels funny to say considering how many surgeries I’ve undergone but I am nervous. I haven’t been told much about what to expect although my surgeon makes it seem like it’s nothing; a 45 minute procedure. My DS was supposed to be 3 hours and took 6 and my Lap Band was supposed to be 1 hour and took 3 so I’m a bit nervous. Also, someone told me they had drains when they woke up from theirs…..I don’t want to sound like a wimp but I really hated those last time around and am not pleased at the thought of them again. Not to mention, I just got back to feeling good again after my iron infusions and now I’ll probably get wiped out again. 😦 Wah, wah, wah! LOL. Sorry, I don’t mean to be a baby but I’m not looking forward to this at all. I had hoped I was done with surgeries. Anesthesia is always so hard on me and takes forever to get out of my system. All well…it’s neither here nor there and must be done; such is life.

As far as weight I’m doing really well and feeling super good about it. I eat pretty normally and have successfully gotten down to 126 lbs and a size 6 jeans and between a 2 and 4 for dress clothes with a small shirt. I hear it gets harder to lose so easily though the further you get out so as I’m nearing the 1 year mark in December I’m trying to tweak things I think might cause problems for me in the future. Little things each day since I don’t do well with complete overhauls. I hope you are all doing well my lovely readers and I’ll post again and let you know how the surgery went sometime next week probably as I do not do well when stoned on oxycodone. ;0) Peace.
