Peeps, Peep This!

A Lap-Band to Duodenal Switch, Weight Loss Surgery, Chronicle

Iron Infusions Complete August 17, 2010

Hey gang,

I am now officially done with my iron infusions. They were nothing really. I went into the clinic for 5 days in a row and they lasted about 30 minutes or so. They were a walk in clinic so I had to do 1st come, 1st serve so some days I was there for an hour or better but the infusions themselves are simple. Just a needle pick and then a bag empties through an IV and you’re all set. I feel better (last 1 was yesterday) although I’m waiting for the full effects assuming there isn’t anything else draining on my energy. I do feel better though. I even had someone say the other day that I look better somehow; she said I’m not sure what or how but your skin tone or something looks better. Good news, right!? 🙂 So in a few weeks I’ll get my blood drawn again and check my ferratin levels and such again to see if I’m back to ‘normal’. Meanwhile I’ll continue taking the prescription iron to keep me at a good level hopefully. I have my hernia surgery coming up in the 1st weeks of September so I got to get this up there and keep it there so I can go through with that surgery; I need it so badly. I swear this thing is growing arms and legs now!! So to sum up ya’all, iron infusions are the best route (for me); quick and easy. I’ll post again when I get closer to my hernia surgery and tell you all about that.

I’m nervous about that surgery though because I hear all these stories about people saying their doc went in and found it was worse than they thought and had to reopen the entire incision line from the bariatric surgery; uggg!! I am still trying to deal with that ugly scar let alone go over it again making it that much more irritated! I do feel this will be my case though. My hernia is the size of an orange (see pic) and to top it off with a cherry I can feel hollowness all the way down to my belly button where my incision line is like my abs completely pulled apart or something. I’m assuming he’ll get in there for the orange and see that and want to pull it all back together and have to slice me open entirely all over again. I want to be better, don’t get me wrong, but man my tummy is looking rough!! I had to lift my shirt for the fellow (the CUTE fellow) at the hematologist’s office to check things out and I felt so embarrassed about all the scars and stretch marks on my tummy. All well I guess; all in the name of health and not vanity (maybe a little bit) anyway, right?! Take care everyone. Keep plugging away. BTW: I’m at goal now; 130 lbs and a size 4 in dress clothes and 6 in jeans = SO HAPPY!! *kisses*


Sorry it's so yucky looking.